
Sharing what's going on for me right now (May 25th, 2024) and all the stuff I'm doing!


It's probably the thing I've enjoyed the most this year. I'd like to spend a bit more time on it. Almost every week, I receive a message from a subscriber telling me they've been enjoying the newsletter. I met cool people and connected some. I want to do more of that and I have a few ideas in mind. If you want to take a look, it's over there.


I've been navigating having a tiny human. It's stretching my limit of how much chaos I can endure in my life. It was expected but still interesting to go through it.



I've been working with a few clients on Upwork and I'm thinking of doing some cold outreach on LinkedIn and also by email. I'll redo my company's website soon (it sucks right now).

I might also push more my automation consultations. I like doing those because they are usually quite self-contained.